Call for Contributions
The workshop on Compiler-Driven Performance has a particular focus on (but not limited to):
- Innovative compiler analysis, transformation, and optimization techniques
- Languages, compilers, and optimization techniques for multicore processors and other parallel architectures
- Compiling for streaming or heterogeneous hardware
- Dynamic compilation for high-performance and real-time environments
- Compilation, optimization, and analysis for dynamic languages
- Compilation techniques for reducing power
- Program safety
- Whole system optimization and analysis
- Tools and infrastructure for compiler research
- Leveraging AI and LLMs for Code Generation
CDP invites contributions in the form of an extended abstract from researchers and practitioners. A submission should consist of a single one-page PDF and include:
- Talk title
- Author list with affiliations
- Brief abstract
CDP does not publish proceedings. Presenters are required to provide an electronic copy of their slides. The slides will be available on this website soon after the workshop.
Work presented does not need to be original: work that has been recently published or submitted for publication elsewhere is welcome. In such case a link to the prior publication/submission should be added to the submission.
The submission should be made in easychair.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission | September 23 2024 |
Notification | September 25 2024 |